Modul-Handbuch Modul-Kennung 41220
Dozenten: Prof. T. Hobiger
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Dynamic System Estimation
The students are familiar with the methodology for parameter estimation in systems, which can be described by solutions to ordinary differential equation systems. The concept of selected random processes for the error description is understood. The students are familiar with the Kalman filter estimation procedure
Dynamic System Estimation
- Review of Least Squares Estimation,
- Sequential Least Squares Estimation,
- Ordinary Differential Equations,
- numerical integration methods,
- linear dynamic systems,
- state space descriptions,
- random processes,
- state augmentation,
- derivation of Kalman Filter equations,
- Kalman smoother,
- comparison of Kalman filter to sequential Least Squares Estimation
Modul-Handbuch Modul-Kennung 48430
Dozenten: Prof. T. Hobiger, Dipl.-Ing. D. Becker
Intended Learning Outcomes
Satellite Navigation
Students have a complete understanding of all aspects of satellite navigation with modern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS or Glonass. This understanding includes the design of orbital constellation and the description of orbits. The process from signal generation, modulation and transmission over signal propagation in the atmosphere including refraction effects up to the signal demodulation and measurement in the receiver is understood. Based on this the students know the GNSS position accuracy limitations and the potential for error corrections by DGNSS.
Satellite Navigation
- Definition and realization of global coordinate systems for GNSS
- satellite orbits and orbit parameters
- GNSS signal generation and modulation
- signal propagation
- ionospheric and tropospheric refraction
- receiver technology
- code and carrier phase measurements
- position determination
- real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning
- precise point positioning (PPP)
Modul-Handbuch Modul-Kennung 48430
Dozenten: Prof. T. Hobiger, Dipl.-Ing. D. Becker
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Integrated Positioning and Navigation
Students have a basic understanding of the mathematical and physical background of Strap-Down Inertial Navigation Systems. Based on this they understand the error behavior of INS with different types of inertial sensors, and the need to integrate such systems with external measurements, such as GNSS or DGNSS positions.
Integrated Positioning and Navigation
- Coordinate systems (inertial, ECEF, local level, body, platform),
- parameterisation of transformations and rotations
- rotational velocity
- Strap-Down-Navigator differential equations
- inertial sensors
- integration of differential equations
- error control
- integration with externally provided positions.
Doris Becker
Dipl.-Ing.Academic employees