Breitscheidstr. 2
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 3.082
- GNSS positioning (RTK, DGNSS, SPP)
- Calibration of GNSS antennas
- Atmospheric influences on satellite navigation
- Deformation analysis with GNSS
- Wang, R., & Hobiger, T. (2019). PyGACT - a Python toolkit for determination of relative GNSS antenna phase center variations. InterGEO 2019, Stuttgart.
- Wang, R., Becker, D., & Hobiger, T. (2023). Interval bounding analysis for precise point positioning. European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2023, ESA/ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
- Wang, R., Hobiger, T., Marut, G., & Hadas, T. (2023, May). Improving GNSS meteorology by fusing measurements of multi-receiver sites on the observation level. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria.
- Wang, R., Becker, D., & Hobiger, T. (2023). Stochastic modeling with robust Kalman filter for real-time kinematic GPS single-frequency positioning. GPS Solutions, 27(3), Article 3.
- Wang, R., Marut, G., Hadaś, T., & Hobiger, T. (2024). Improving GNSS Meteorology by Fusing Measurements of Several Colocated Receivers on the Observation Level. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17, 7841–7851.
Since 11/2019:
- "Basics of Navigation" (exercise, B.Sc. Geodesy and Geoinformatics)
- "Satellite Navigation" (exercise, M.Sc. Geomatics Engineering)
- "Integrated Positioning and Navigation" (exercise, M.Sc. Geomatics Engineering)
- "Dynamic System Estimation" (exercise, M.Sc. Geomatics Engineering)
- 11/2019 - now: Phd student/research associate, Institute of Navigation,
Stuttgart university - 10/2018 - 10/2019: M.Sc. Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Stuttgart university
- 04/2018: B.Sc. Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Stuttgart university
B.Sc.: Remote Sensing and Information Technology,
Faculty for Science and Technology, Wuhan University,
Chinese (mother tongue)
German (fluent, C1 level)
English (fluent)